The Homeless Ministry
Corinth is continuing to help The Fix Ministry feed the homeless in Richmond in 2024.
February 11
March 24
April 14
In addition to these, we will be making protein bags. Donations for these will include:
- Individually
wrapped cookies and chips
- fruit cups
- applesauce cups
- tuna fish
- Vienna sausages
- peanut butter cups
- juice boxes and granola
Please place your donations in the yellow box outside of the fellowship hall.
is continuing to collect nonperishable food items to help restock local
food banks. Donated items can be placed in The Yellow Box located in
front of Corinth's Fellowship Hall. Every 2nd Sunday of the month,
Corinth gathers together to prepare food bags which are then distributed
by The Fix Ministry.
If you have questions, contact Monika Smith at